Stichting Driekoningen 's-Hertogenbosch

Traditionally, exuberantly and pontifically, the Ducal City annually welcomes the three kings from the East; Balthasar, Caspar and Melchior.

With their camels, the kings are surrounded by a large court. The animal-friendly entry is a form of street theater and consists of riders, pages, ladies-in-waiting, angels and shepherds with sheep.

The tradition of the Epiphany has a long history worldwide and is centuries old. As early as 1924, the Bossche Kunstkring organized the so-called Epiphany Arrival new style for the first time.

The parade has increased enormously in popularity over the past decade. Nowhere in the Netherlands is this special children's party, in which hundreds of dressed up children participate with lanterns and crowns, experienced as grandly and with such content as in 's-Hertogenbosch. The parade is always organized on the 1st Sunday of the new year (not on January 1) with strong involvement of the local community, including schools, (musical) associations, fraternities and volunteers.

The arrival runs from the Market via the town hall, where the mayor of 's-Hertogenbosch shows the kings the way to the nativity scene, then on to St. John's Cathedral, where a short, festive and child-friendly celebration takes place. Christmas and royal carols are sung and the stories of Christmas and the three kings are told and interpreted.


The celebration is a substantive meeting with which we not only keep a beautiful and special Den Bosch tradition alive, but also want to make the children curious about the real meaning of the birth of the Christmas child. In addition, we want to show the children that the story of Christmas and the three kings is also relevant to today and can be made concrete by themselves.


Various sponsorship contributions during our 100th anniversary year made it possible for our foundation to replace the clothing of our kings after a period of more than 50 years. From this edition onwards, the three kings will be dressed entirely in Neapolitan with very beautiful colorful cloaks with decorative patterns, beautiful crowns with gemstones and other accessories. In a beautiful, majestic way, they reflect the reverent and regal nature of the 100th visit to baby Jesus in the nativity scene and generosity of our fellow enablers.


The annual celebration naturally entails some costs. To ensure continuity, we kindly appeal to you for financial support. This can be in the form of a direct contribution, an online store sponsorship or a debit card donation. The great thing about the last two options is that they do not require a financial contribution directly from you, but that this is borne by the affiliated partners.


Our foundation also has a CULTURAL ANBI STATUS, which may provide you with tax benefits for direct contributions.


We thank you in advance for your contribution to our foundation. Also on behalf of all children from 's-Hertogenbosch and the surrounding area!


With 3-Royal greetings,


Stichting Driekoningen 's-Hertogenbosch

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Drie Koningen Lied

27-05-2024 | 10:20

Drie Koningen, drie Koningen,
Gif mij unne nieuwe hoed, hoed, hoed,
Munne ouwe is versleten
M’n vader mag ’t nie weten
En m’n moeder is nie thuis
Piep zeet de muis al in ’t zomerhuis.

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