Online aankopen doen en sponsoren

How it works


Through our partner DoelShop you can donate for free to our foundation by shopping at all affiliated web shops. You only have to click on a webshop (such as, Coolblue, via our site page and make a purchase there. The web shops pay the donation, so you don't pay anything extra and with every purchase you naturally choose which foundation you support as a cause.


Where does this donation come from?


Webshops pay us a commission when you start shopping at DoelShop, because they see that we have referred you. If you then buy something, we receive a commission and convert it into a donation to the Driekoningen 's-Hertogenbosch Foundation. This is often a percentage of the purchase amount, sometimes a fixed amount (for example in the case of insurance or telephone subscription).


Suppose you see a pair of shoes for €100 that you want to buy. You click on the webshop via DoelShop and buy the shoes for €100. On DoelShop you see that the webshop donates 6%. Because you shopped via Doelshop, you can now donate €6 to our foundation.

"Too good to be true "?

We invite everyone to test it out for themselves and don't just take our word for it. It costs two extra clicks, which make a daily difference for us as an affiliated foundation of DoelShop.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!!!

With 3-Royal greetings,

Stichting Driekoningen s-Hertogenbosch